Take advantage of over 50% savings on these demo clubs. Please note these clubs have been hit slightly but overall are in good shape. We only have 1 club in stock of the following:
HL4 Driver: High Launch OS Ladies Flex $95
HL4 Driver: 12* OS Amatuer Flex $95
HL4 Driver 10.5 OS Regular Flex $95
HL4 Driver 10.5 Regular Flex $95
HL4 Driver 9.5 Stiff Flex $95
HL4 Fairway #3 OS Regular Flex: $65
HL4 Fairway #5 Regular Flex $65
HL4 Fairway #5 OS Amatuer Flex $65
HL4 Fairway #7 OS Regular Flex $65
HL4 Hybrid #4 Stiff Flex $65
HL4 Hybrid #4 Amatuer Flex $65
HL4 Hybrid #5 Ladies Flex $65
Please call pro shop at 937-265-5152 if interested. Willing to ship for $10